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SaltedAuthInfo - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.userauth
Holding salted authentication information.
SaltedAuthInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.SaltedAuthInfo
store salted authentication information.
ScopusMetricsResolver - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.resolver
Queries the Scopus API to retrieve metrics on particular journals
ScopusMetricsResolver() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.resolver.ScopusMetricsResolver
SCPDefineServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol
Saves the stock control properties file to disk.
SCPDefineServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.SCPDefineServlet
SCPDeleteServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol
Deletes the stock control properties file.
SCPDeleteServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.SCPDeleteServlet
SCPManagementServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol
Lists the stock control properties file on disk.
SCPManagementServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.SCPManagementServlet
SendDeletionEmailServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.frontend
Prepares an email to be send to the library staff.
SendDeletionEmailServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.frontend.SendDeletionEmailServlet
sendOutput(MCRServletJob, Element) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.frontend.FachRefServlet
renders and sends the prepared output XML to the HTTP response
Series - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.series
Group of events belonging to a specified categories.
Series(String, String...) - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.series.Series
definition of a series with a name and the event types belonging to this series
Series2JSON - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.series
Methods to prepare JSON objects from series to display the series in web pages.
Series2JSON() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.series.Series2JSON
SeriesBuilder - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.series
Methods to build series from a list of events.
SeriesBuilder() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.series.SeriesBuilder
SeriesServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.series
Delivers the JSON arrays containig the evolution of stock, loan and request for a document in the document cache.
SeriesServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.series.SeriesServlet
setAbbreviation(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the abbreviation of the journal
setActualItemsLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the last number of items which are in the textbook collection
setActualName(String) - Method in class
sets the current name of the
setAlertControl(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the alert identifier
setAlertControl(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the number of alert control
setAnchor(String) - Method in class
sets the anchor of the collection
setAnchor(String) - Method in class
sets the anchor of the collection
setAnchor(String) - Method in class
sets the anchor of the journal collection this journal title is part of
setAuthor(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the author of the StockControlProperties
setAuthors(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class
sets the authors of the publication
setBlacklistExpire(Double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the standard number of years on the blacklist before items are considered again
setCalculatedPrice(double) - Method in class
sets the calculated price of this journal title
setCallNo(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the shelfmark
setCollection(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the collections to be analyzed (as list, separated with blanks)
setCollection(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
sets the collection
setCollection(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
sets the collection
setCollection(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
sets the collection of an item
setCollections(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
sets the collection of places
setComment(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the comment
setComment(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the comment of the analysis
setComment(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
sets the comment connected to the ignored document(s)
setCount(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.series.TimeAndCount
sets the count.
setCounter(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
sets the counter of an item
setDate(String) - Method in class
sets the Date of the event
setDay(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the day these parameters are set for.
setDays(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the corresponding counter
setDaysLoanedAll(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the corresponding counter
setDaysLoanedElse(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by other users
setDaysLoanedExtern(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by external users
setDaysLoanedHapp(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were located in research faculties
setDaysLoanedIntern(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by non-student members of the university
setDaysLoanedStudents(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by students
setDaysRequested(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were requested in this year.
setDaysRequested(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the days items were requested throughout the period of analysis
setDaysRequestedElse(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by other users
setDaysRequestedExtern(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by external users
setDaysRequestedHapp(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were located to be in research faculties
setDaysRequestedIntern(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were loaned by non-student members of the university
setDaysRequestedStudents(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days items were requested by students
setDaysStockAll(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days in stock for all items
setDaysStockDeleted(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days in stock for all items which have been deleted
setDaysStockLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the days in stock for all circulation items which are in the textbook collection
setDaysStockLendableAll(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days in stock for all circulation items
setDaysStockLendableNonLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the corresponding counter
setDaysStockNonLendable(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the value of days in stock for all non-circulation items
setDescription(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Notation
sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationsPerSubject
sets the description
setDescription(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the description of the analysis
setDescription(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the description of the analysis
setDescription(String) - Method in class
sets the description of the collection
setDocNumber(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the document number for this manifestation
setDocNumber(String) - Method in class
sets the document number of the publication
setDuration(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the duration
setElseLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are loaned by other users at this day.
setElseRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are requested by other users at this day.
setEmail(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.User
sets the email
setEmail(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserRole
sets the email
setEndDate(LocalDate) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiConnector
sets the end date
setEndEvent(Event) - Method in class
relates to the end Event-object, for example the return to a loan event.
setEtat(String) - Method in class
sets the code of the budget this item was paid for.
setEventAnalysis(EventAnalysis) - Method in class
Sets the event analysis.
setExpire(long) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
set the timestamp when the ignorance expires
setExternLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are loaned by external users at this day.
setExternRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are requested by external users at this day.
setEzbID(String) - Method in class
sets the EZB ID
setForAlert(boolean) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the boolean whether the entry is within the scope of an alert control
setForReader(boolean) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the boolean whether the entry is within the scope of a reader control
setFullName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the full name of the journal
setGroupedAnalysis(boolean) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets boolean, whether to perform a grouped analysis
setHappLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are located in permanent loan in scientific departments.
setHappRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are requested to be located in permanent loan in scientific departments at this day.
setHtmlRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the number of successful HTML request
setHtmlRequestsMobile(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the number of successful mobile HTML request
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
returns the identifier connected to the ignored document(s) (document number or basic shelfmark)
setInternLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are loaned by non-student members of the university at this day.
setInternRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are requested by non-student members of the university at this day.
setIsbn(String) - Method in class
sets the ISBN of the publication
setIssn(String) - Method in class
sets the ISSN of the journal title
setIssns(String) - Method in class
sets the issns of the journal
setIssns(String) - Method in class
sets the issns contained in the collection
setItemsDeleted(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of all deleted items.
setItemsLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of items in the textbook collection.
setItemsLendable(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of circulation items
setItemsLendableNonLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of all circulation items which are not in the textbook collection.
setItemsNonLendable(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of non-circulation items.
setItemsTotal(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of all items.
setLastStock(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of items in stock at the last day of the analysis.
setLastStock(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the number of items at the end of the analysis period
setLink(String) - Method in class
sets the link to the journal
setMab(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the bibliographic data
setMab(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the bibliographic data
setMab(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
sets the bibliographic data
setMAB(Element) - Method in class
sets the bibliographic information for this work
setMAB(Element) - Method in class
Sets the mab.
setMap(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
sets the file name of the map file
setMaterials(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the list of materials to be considered, each separated by blanks
setMaxItemsNeeded(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the maximum number of items needed (stock and requests) throughout the period of analysis
setMaxLoansAbs(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the maximum number of items loaned throughout the period of analysis
setMaxNumberRequest(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the maximum number of items requested throughout the period of analysis
setMaxRelativeLoan(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the maximum relative loan throughout the period of analysis
setMeanRelativeLoan(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the mean relative loan throughout the period of analysis
setMeanStock(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the mean stock throughout the period of analysis
setMonth(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the month of the report
setName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
returns the name of the collection
setName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the name of the profile
setName(String) - Method in class
sets the name of the collection
setName(String) - Method in class
sets the name of the journal title
setName(String) - Method in class
returns the name of the SUSHI provider
setNItems(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the number of items
setNLendable(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the number of lendable items
setNLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the number of loans
setNotation(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Notation
sets the notation
setNotation(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the notation for which the analysis was performed
setNotationRange(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the range of notations
setNotations(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationsPerSubject
sets the notations
setNRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the number of requests
setNumberLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of loans in this year.
setNumberRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the number of requests in this year.
setNumberRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the number of requests throughout the period of analysis
setOnlineISSN(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the ISSNs of online journals
setOrderNumber(String) - Method in class
sets the internal order number of the collection
setPassword(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.User
sets the password
setPdfRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the number of successful PDF request
setPdfRequestsMobile(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the number of successful mobile PDF request
setPerformAlert(Boolean) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the boolean whether or not to perform the alert
setPerformReader(Boolean) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the boolean whether or not to perform the alert
setPermission(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.RolePermission
set the permission related to the role
setPlace(String) - Method in class
sets the place the publication was published
setPrice(Double) - Method in class
sets the price of the collection
setPrice(double) - Method in class
sets the price of this journal title
setPrice(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.DateAndPrice
sets the price of an item
setPrice(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
sets the price of an item
setPricePerSubject(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
sets the price per subject
setPrintISSN(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the ISSNs of print journals
setProposedDeletion(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the proposed deletion
setProposedDeletion(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the number of items proposed to be deleted
setProposedPurchase(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the corresponding counter
setProposedPurchase(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the number of proposed purchases
setPsRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the number of successful PostScript request
setPsRequestsMobile(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the number of successful mobile PostScript request
setPublisher(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the SUSHI provider of the journal
setPublisher(String) - Method in class
sets the current publisher of the journal
setPublisher(String) - Method in class
sets the publisher of the publication
setRatio(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the ratio (number of requested items / number of lendable items)
setRecKey(String) - Method in class
sets the key in the Aleph database of this item
setRelativeLoan(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
sets the relative loan
setRelease(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiConnector
sets the release of the SUSHI report
setRoleName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.RolePermission
set the name of the role
setRoleName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserRole
sets the role name
setRoom(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
sets the room
setRuntime(String) - Method in class
sets the time range covered by this collection
setSalt(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.User
sets the salt
setSCCollections(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the collections to be analyzed
setSCMaterials(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the materials to be analyzed
setSCMinimumDaysOfRequest(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the minimum number of days for a request to be analyzed
setSCSubjectID(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the subject (ID according to GHBSYS) to be analyzed
setSCSystemCode(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the notation to be analyzed
setSCYearsOfRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the years in which requests are analyzed
setSCYearsToAverage(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the years used for the analysis
setShelf(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
sets the shelf
setShelfmark(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the shelfmark for which the analysis was performed.
setShelfmark(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the shelfmark where the analysis has been performed
setShelfmark(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
sets the shelfmark
setShelfmarkBase(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the basic shelfmark without the edition information
setShelfmarkBase(String) - Method in class
sets the basic shelfmark for this work
setSlope(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the slope of the relative loan throughout the analysis
setSnip(double) - Method in class
sets the SNIP of this journal title
setStartDate(LocalDate) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiConnector
sets the start date
setStock(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of all items at this day.
setStockcontrol(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the description of the StockControlProperties used for the analysis
setStockControl(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
sets the stock control key
setStockDeleted(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items being deleted up to that day.
setStockLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items in the textbook collection at this day.
setStockLendable(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of all circulation items at this day.
setStockLendableNonLBS(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of circulation items being not part of the textbook collection at this day.
setStockNonLendable(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of non-circulation items at this day.
setStudentLoans(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are loaned by students at this day.
setStudentRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
sets the value of items which are requested by students at this day.
setSubject(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
sets the subject
setSubject(String) - Method in class
sets the subject categories of the journal
setSubject(String) - Method in class
sets the subjects of this journal title
setSubjectID(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationsPerSubject
sets the subject ID
setSubjectID(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the subject ID
setSubLibrary(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
sets the sub library
setSushiCustomerReferenceID(String) - Method in class
sets the reference ID of the customer
setSushiCustomerReferenceName(String) - Method in class
sets the reference name of the customer
setSushiRelease(int) - Method in class
returns the release of the SUSHI API
setSushiRequestorEmail(String) - Method in class
sets the email address of the requestor
setSushiRequestorID(String) - Method in class
sets the requestor ID used for querying the usage data
setSushiRequestorName(String) - Method in class
sets the name of the requestor
setSushiURL(String) - Method in class
sets the URL of the SUSHI API
setSystemCode(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the notation where the analysis has been performed
setSystemCode(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
sets the notation of an item
setThresholdDuration(Double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the the threshold for the quotient (number of requested items / number of lendable items) for the alerting service
setThresholdQuotient(Double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
sets the threshold for the quotient (number of requested items / number of lendable items)
setTime(long) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
sets the time of change
setTimeStamp(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the timestamp
setTimestamp(double) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
set the timestamp when the analysis has been performed
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
sets the number of lendable items
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
set the timestamp when the ignorance was set
setTitle(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class
sets the title of the publication
setTotalRequests(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the total number of successful requests independent of the type
setType(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
sets the type
setType(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the type of the COUNTER report (e.g.
setType(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiConnector
sets the type of SUSHI report
setType(String) - Method in class
sets the type of the journal title
setUsagePerSubject(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
sets the usage per subject
setWho(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
sets the author of the ignored document(s)
setYear(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
set the year
setYear(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
sets the collection usage per subject
setYear(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
sets the year of the report
setYear(int) - Method in class
sets the year of the collection
setYear(int) - Method in class
sets the year of this journal title
setYear(String) - Method in class
sets the year the publication was published
setYearRange(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
sets the year range
setZdbID(String) - Method in class
sets the ZDB ID
setZDBID(String) - Method in class
sets the ZDB ID of this journal title
ShelfAnalysis - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.analysis
Plain old java object holding a shelf analysis of one year and one document.
ShelfAnalysis() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
ShelfAnalysisDAO - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.analysis
Methods to save and access ShelfAnalysis by JPA queries.
ShelfAnalysisDAO() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysisDAO
ShelfAnalyzerServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.analysis
ShelfAnalyzerServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalyzerServlet
ShelfFinder - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.maps
Given a location and shelfmark, finds and marks all matching shelfs
ShelfFinder() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.maps.ShelfFinder
instantiates a ShelfFinder object
ShelfmarkNormalizer - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.maps
Normalizes shelfmarks so that they become comparable and can be sorted
ShelfmarkNormalizer() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.maps.ShelfmarkNormalizer
SNIPExtenderServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage
Collects the SNIP data from Scopus ( for stored journal titles.
SNIPExtenderServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.SNIPExtenderServlet
StartServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.frontend
Allows a personalized start page.
StartServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.frontend.StartServlet
StockAnalysisAssistantServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stock
Retrieves and displays the analysis of a set of documents as defined by a StockControlProperties with respect to usage properties.
StockAnalysisAssistantServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockAnalysisAssistantServlet
StockAnalyzerServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stock
Prepares analysis with respect to time, counter, price and collection.
StockAnalyzerServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockAnalyzerServlet
StockControlCache - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol
Cache to store stock control properties.
StockControlCache() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlCache
StockControlProperties - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol
Holds all the information for the analysis of stock regions.
StockControlProperties(String, String) - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
building stock control properties with default values
StockEventsBuilder - Class in
Methods to build the inventory and deletion events for a particular item.
StockEventsBuilder() - Constructor for class
StockEvolution - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stock
Plain old java object holding the time, counter, collection, price and notation.
StockEvolution(long, int, String, double, String) - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
setting a stock evolution set
StockEvolutionManipulator - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stock
Methods to build and manipulate stock evolution lists.
StockEvolutionManipulator() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolutionManipulator
StockUsageAnalysisServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stock
Servlet class to retrieve and prepare DocumentAnalysis for display.
StockUsageAnalysisServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockUsageAnalysisServlet
store(Manifestation) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DocumentCache
stores a Document-object in the cache.
store(StockControlProperties) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlCache
saves stock control porperties in the cache
SubjectDistributorServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage
Goes through all stored journal collections, takes the usage data and the prices and distributes them according to the subject categories.
SubjectDistributorServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.SubjectDistributorServlet
SushiConnector - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi
Establishes and closes the connection to the SUSHI provider and prepares the necessary SOAP requests
SushiConnector(Publisher) - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiConnector
establishes a connection to the SUSHI provider.
SushiProviderDefineServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi
Defines a SUSHI profile for a SUSHI provider, collects all available reports since 2000 and registers a Quartz job to continually collect the SUSHI reports.
SushiProviderDefineServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiProviderDefineServlet
SushiProviderDeleteServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi
Deletes a stored SUSHI Provider.
SushiProviderDeleteServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiProviderDeleteServlet
SushiProviderManagementServlet - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi
Servlet summarizing the defined SUSHI providers from the database
SushiProviderManagementServlet() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiProviderManagementServlet
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