- get(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DocumentCache
retrieves a Document
-object from the cache by the given document number.
- get(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlCache
retrieves the stock control properties from the cache by the stock control key
- getAbbreviation() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the abbreviation of the journal
- getActualItemsLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the last number of items which are in the textbook collection.
- getActualName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the current name of the journal
- getAlertControl() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the alert identifier
- getAlertControl() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the alert control
- getAllJournals() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the individual JournalTitle
objects contained in the collection
- getAllLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of all items loaned by all user groups at this day.
- getAllNRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.NRequestsGetter
retrieves all requests
- getAllRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of all items requested by all user groups at this
- getAnalyses() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalyzer
returns the loan and request times for a given Document.
- getAnchor() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.AnchorOrder
returns the anchor of the collection
- getAnchor() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the anchor of the collection
- getAnchor() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the anchor of the journal collection this journal title is part of
- getAnchorOrder(String, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.AnchorOrderDAO
retrieves a AnchorOrder
from the database by the anchor of
the collection.
- getAnchorOrders() - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.AnchorOrderDAO
retrieves all AnchorOrder
objects from the database.
- getAuthor() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the author of the StockControlProperties
- getAuthors() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the authors of the publication
- getAvailableYears(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTools
takes a string of availability information (e.g. from Journal Online and Print) and retrieves the years of general availabity from it.
- getAverageLoan(Hashtable<String, Integer>, Hashtable<String, String>, String, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysisDAO
- getBlacklistExpire() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the standard number of years on the blacklist before items are considered again
- getBorrowerStatus() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the status of the person initiating the event (student,
non-student member of university, external user, research faculty, other)
- getCalculatedPrice() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the calculated price of the journal
- getCallNo() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the shelfmark
- getCallNo() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the shelfmark of this particular item
- getCallNo() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the call no.
- getCollection() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the collections to be analyzed (as list, separated with blanks)
- getCollection() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
returns the collection
- getCollection() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
returns the collection
- getCollection(EntityManager, String, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns a specific journal collection for one year with a given anchor
- getCollection(String, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns a specific journal collection for one year with a given anchor
- getCollection() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the collection this item belongs to
- getCollection() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
returns the collection of an item
- getCollectionByMapName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.CollectionDAO
retrieves a Collection
from the database by the name of the corresponding map.
- getCollectionByName(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.CollectionDAO
retrieves a Collection
from the database by the name of the collection.
- getCollectionPrice(JournalCollection) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.JournalPriceGetter
when queried with a single journal collection, the prices from the Aleph database are retrieved and a list of journal collections for each year is returned.
- getCollections() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
returns the List of places
- getCollections(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns a list of journal collections with a given anchor
- getCollections(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns a list of journal collections with a given anchor
- getCollections(int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns a list of journal collections for one year
- getCollections(EntityManager, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns a list of journal collections for one year
- getCollections() - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns all journal collections stored in the database.
- getCollections(EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollectionDAO
returns all journal collections stored in the database.
- getCollectionsList() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
obtain a list of all defined collections
- getCollectionUsagePerSubjects(String, int, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubjectDAO
retrieves a list of CollectionUsagePerSubject
for one collection from the database
- getComment() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the comment of the analysis.
- getComment() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the comment of the analysis
- getComment() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
returns the comment connected to the ignored document(s)
- getCount() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.series.TimeAndCount
returns the count
- getCounter() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
returns the counter of an item
- getCounters(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubjectDAO
retrieves all CollectionUsagePerSubject
for one collection from the database
- getCounters(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CounterDAO
retrieves a list of Counter
objects for one journal from the database
- getCountersForYear(String, int, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CounterDAO
retrieves a list of Counter
objects for one journal and one year from the database
- getCredentials() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.SaltedAuthInfo
build credentials.
- getCredentialsSalt() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.SaltedAuthInfo
get credentials salt.
- getDataSourceName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.FachRefRealm
return the name of the data source.
- getDate() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) of the event
- getDate() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.DateAndPrice
returns the date of purchase
- getDay() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the string with the date at this day.
- getDays() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days this analysis was performed for.
- getDaysLoanedAll() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days loaned for all user groups.
- getDaysLoanedElse() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by other users.
- getDaysLoanedExtern() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by external users.
- getDaysLoanedHapp() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were located in research faculties.
- getDaysLoanedIntern() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by non-student members of
the university.
- getDaysLoanedStudents() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by students.
- getDaysRequested() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were requested in this year.
- getDaysRequested() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the days items were requested throughout the period of analysis
- getDaysRequestedElse() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by other users.
- getDaysRequestedExtern() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by external users.
- getDaysRequestedHapp() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were located to be in research
- getDaysRequestedIntern() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were loaned by non-student members of
the university.
- getDaysRequestedStudents() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days items were requested by students.
- getDaysStockAll() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days in stock for all items.
- getDaysStockDeleted() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days in stock for all items which have been
- getDaysStockLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days in stock for all circulation items which are
in the textbook collection.
- getDaysStockLendableAll() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days in stock for all circulation items.
- getDaysStockLendableNonLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days in stock for all circulation items which are
not in the textbook collection.
- getDaysStockNonLendable() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of days in stock for all non-circulation items.
- getDeletionDate() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the date this item was de-inventoried
- getDeletionMailBcc() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the BCC recipient of the deletion mail
- getDelta() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the change of the overall number of items in a particular state
upon this event (a loan increases the number of loaned items by +1)
- getDescription() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Notation
returns the description
- getDescription() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationsPerSubject
returns the description
- getDescription() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the description of the analysis.
- getDescription() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the description of the analysis
- getDescription() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the description of the the collection
- getDocNumber() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the document number for the manifestation
- getDocNumber() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the doc number.
- getDocNumber() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the document number of the publication
- getDocument(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Expression
returns the document with the specified document number from this work
- getDocuments() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.ItemEventCollector
- getDocuments() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Expression
returns all documents of this work
- getDocumentsByCsv(InputStream) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.DocumentGetter
builds a set of documents from a given csv file.
- getDocumentsByEtat(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.DocumentGetter
retrieves the documents connected to a budget code
- getDocumentsByNotation(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.DocumentGetter
retrieves the documents connected to a whole notation
- getDocumentsByShelfmark(String, Boolean) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.DocumentGetter
retrieves the documents connected to a shelfmark
- getDuration() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the duration of requests
- getEdition() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the edition.
- getElseLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items which are loaned by other users at this day.
- getElseRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items requested by other users at this day.
- getEmail() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.User
returns the email
- getEmail() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserRole
returns the email
- getEndEvent() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the Event
-object, for example the return to a loan
- getErrorCode() - Method in exception unidue.ub.statistics.resolver.JOPResolver.JOPException
Returns the HTTP error code returned from the JOP request
- getEtat(Item) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.ItemGetter
retrieves the budget used to buy an item
- getEtat() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the code of the budget this item was paid for.
- getEventAnalyses(StockControlProperties, String, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysisDAO
retrieves a a list of EventAnalysis
for a given author and StockControlProperties
from the database
- getEventAnalyses(AlertControl, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequestsDAO
retrieves a a list of NRequests
for an AlertControl
from the database
- getEventAnalyses(AlertControl, int, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequestsDAO
retrieves a a list of NRequests
for an AlertControl
and a given time range from the database
- getEventAnalyses(AlertControl, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequestsDAO
retrieves a a list of NRequests
for an AlertControl
and a given time range from the database
- getEventAnalysis() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalyzer
Returns the calculated EventAnalysis
- geteventAnalysis() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the event analysis.
- getEvents() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.EventGetter
retrieves all events from the Aleph database.
- getEvents() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Expression
returns the events of all items belonging to this work
- getEvents() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns all events associated with this item
- getEvents() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the events.
- getExpire() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
retrieves the timestamp when the ignorance expires
- getExternLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items which are loaned by external users at this
- getExternRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items requested by external users at this day.
- getEzbID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the EZB ID
- getForAlert() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the boolean whether the entry is within the scope of an alert control
- getForReader() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the boolean whether the entry is within the scope of a reader control
- getFullName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the full name of the journal
- getHappLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items which are located in permanent loan in
scientific departments at this day.
- getHappRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items requested to be located in permanent loan in
scientific departments at this day.
- getHtmlRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the number of successful HTML request
- getHtmlRequestsMobile() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the number of successful mobile HTML requests
- getIdentifier() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
returns the identifier connected to the ignored document(s) (document number or basic shelfmark)
- getInternLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items which are loaned by non-student members of
the university at this day.
- getInternRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items requested by non-student members of the
university at this day.
- getInventoryDate() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the date when this item was inventoried
- getIsbn() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the ISBN of the publication
- getIssn() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the ISSN of the journal title
- getIssns() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the issns of the journal
- getIssns() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the ISSNs contained in the collection
- getIssnsList() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the issns contained in the collection as list.
- getItem() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
retrieves the item related to this event.
- getItem(int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the item.
- getItemByBarCode(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.ItemGetter
- getItems(Manifestation) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.ItemGetter
retrieves items connected to an existing document
- getItems() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Expression
returns the items belonging to this work
- getItems() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the items.
- getItemsDeleted() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of all deleted items.
- getItemSequence() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the item sequence identifying this particular item
- getItemsLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of items in the textbook collection.
- getItemsLendable() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of circulation items.
- getItemsLendableNonLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of all circulation items which are not in the
textbook collection.
- getItemsNonLendable() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of non-circulation items.
- getItemStatus() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the status of this particular item
- getItemsTotal() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of all items.
- getJournalByIssn(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalDAO
returns a journal for a given issn
- getJournalByIssn(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalDAO
returns a journal for a given issn
- getJournalByZDBID(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalDAO
returns a journal for a given ZDB ID
- getJournalByZDBID(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalDAO
returns a journal for a given ZDB ID
- getJournalPrice(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.JournalPriceGetter
when queried with a single journal title, the prices from the Aleph database are retrieved and a list of journal titles for each year is returned.
- getJournals() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the individual JournalTitle
objects contained in the collection
- getJournals() - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a list of all journal titles stored in the database
- getJournalsForYear(EntityManager, int) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the individual JournalTitle
objects contained in the collection
- getJournalTitle(EntityManager, String, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a specific journal title for an issn and a year
- getJournalTitle(String, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a specific journal title for an issn and a year
- getJournalTitlesByIssn(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a list of journal titles for an issn
- getJournalTitlesByIssn(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a list of journal titles for an issn
- getJournalTitlesByZDBID(EntityManager, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a list of journal titles for a ZDB ID
- getJournalTitlesByZDBID(EntityManager, String, int) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitleDAO
returns a specific journal title for a ZDB ID and a year
- getLastStock() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of items in stock at the last day of the analysis.
- getLastStock() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the number of items at the end of the analysis period
- getLatestJournals() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the individual JournalTitle
objects contained in the collection
- getLevDist(Publication) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the Levenshtein distance comparing the authors and title of two
- getLink() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the link to the journal
- getMAB(Manifestation) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.MABGetter
retrieves the bibliographic information as MAB-fields for a given
document from the Aleph database
- getMAB(NRequests) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.MABGetter
retrieves the bibliographic information as MAB-fields for a given
from the Aleph database
- getMab() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the bibliographic data
- getMab() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the bibliographic data
- getMab() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
returns the bibliographic data
- getMAB() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Expression
returns bibliographic information for this work
- getMAB() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the mab.
- getMap() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
returns the file name of the map file
- getMaterial() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the type of material of this item
- getMaterials() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the list of materials to be considered, each separated by
- getMaxItemsNeeded() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the maximum number of items needed (stock and requests)
throughout the period of analysis
- getMaxLoansAbs() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the maximum number of items loaned throughout the period of
- getMaxNumberRequest() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the maximum number of items requested throughout the period of
- getMaxRelativeLoan() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the maximum relative loan throughout the period of analysis
- getMeanRelativeLoan() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the mean relative loan in this year.
- getMeanRelativeLoan() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the mean relative loan of items in stock throughout the
- getMeanStock() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the mean number of items in stock throughout the analysis
- getMonth() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
retursn the month of the report
- getName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Collection
returns the name
- getName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the name of the profile
- getName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.AnchorOrder
returns the name of the collection
- getName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the name of the journal title
- getName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the name of the SUSHI provider
- getName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.series.Series
returns the name of the series
- getNItems() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the number of items
- getNLendable() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the number of lendable items
- getNLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the number of loans
- getNotation() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.Notation
returns the notation
- getNotation() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the notation for which the analysis was performed.
- getNotation(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.maps.ShelfmarkNormalizer
returns the part of the string matching the shelfmark pattern
- getNotationRange() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the range of notations
- getNotations() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationsPerSubject
returns the notations
- getNotationsForSubjectID(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationDAO
retrieves a list of Notation
-objects from the index of notations by a given subject ID.
- getNotationsList(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationDAO
retrieves a list of Notation
-objects from the index of notations.
- getNotationsList(Hashtable<String, String>) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationDAO
retrieves a list of Notation
-objects from the index of notations.
- getNotationsRange(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationDAO
retrieves a the range of notations for a given subject ID
- getNRequests(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.NRequestsGetter
retrieves the number of Requests for the documents with an arbitrary
notations string
- getNRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the number of requests
- getNRequestsForNotation(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.NRequestsGetter
retrieves the number of Requests for the documents with the defined
- getNRequestsForRange(String) - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alephConnector.NRequestsGetter
retrieves the number of Requests for the documents in the region defined
by the notations
- getNTimestamp() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the timestamp
- getNumberLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of loans in this year.
- getNumberRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the number of requests in this year.
- getNumberRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the number of requests throughout the period of analysis
- getOnlineISSN() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the ISSNs of online journals
- getOrderNumber() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.AnchorOrder
returns the internal order number of the collection
- getParameter(MCRServletJob, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.frontend.FachRefServlet
Takes the HTTP-Request from the MCRServletJob
and retrieves the parameter.
- getPassword() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.User
returns the password
- getPdfRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the number of successful PDF requests
- getPdfRequestsMobile() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the number of successful mobile PDF requests
- getPerformAlert() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the boolean, whether to send the alert for new data
- getPerformReader() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the boolean, whether to send the alert for new data
- getPermission() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.RolePermission
return the permission related to the role
- getPermission(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.RolePermissionDAO
retrieves the RolesPermission
by the role.
- getPlace() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the place the publication was published
- getPrice() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the price of the collection
- getPrice() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the price of the journal
- getPrice() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the price of this item
- getPrice() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.DateAndPrice
returns the price
- getPrice() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
returns the price
- getPriceePerSubject() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
returns the price per subject
- getPrincipals() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.SaltedAuthInfo
build the principal collection.
- getPrintISSN() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the ISSNs of print journals
- getProcessStatus() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the process status of this particular item
- getProposedDeletion() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of proposed deletions in this year.
- getProposedDeletion() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the number of proposed deletions
- getProposedPurchase() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the value of proposed purchases in this year.
- getProposedPurchase() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the number of proposed purchases
- getPsRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the number of successful PostScript requests
- getPsRequestsMobile() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the number of successful mobile PostScript requests
- getPublisher() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the SUSHI provider of the journal
- getPublisher() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the publisher of the journal
- getPublisher(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.PublisherDAO
- getPublisher() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the publisher of the publication
- getPublishers() - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.PublisherDAO
- getRatio() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.NRequests
returns the ratio (number of requested items / number of lendable items)
- getRecKey() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the key in the Aleph database of this item
- getRelativeLoan() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
returns the relative loan
- getRoleName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.RolePermission
return the name of the role
- getRoleName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserRole
returns the role name
- getRoles(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserRoleDAO
retrieves the list of roles for a given email.
- getRoom() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
returns the room
- getRuntime() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.AnchorOrder
returns the time range covered by this collection
- getSalt() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.User
returns the salt
- getSCCollections() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the collections to be analyzed
- getSCMaterials() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the materials to be analyzed
- getSCMinimumDaysOfRequest() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the minimum number of days for a request to be analyzed
- getSCMinimumYears() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the minimum number of years an item has to be in stock to be considered for deletion
- getSCStaticBuffer() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the static buffer used to calculate the proposed deletion
- getSCSubjectID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the subject (ID according to GHBSYS) to be analyzed
- getSCSystemCode() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the notation to be analyzed
- getSCThreshold() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the threshold for the proposed deletions
- getSCVariableBuffer() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the variable buffer used to calculate the proposed deletion
- getSCYearsOfRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the years in which requests are analyzed
- getSCYearsToAverage() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the years used for the analysis
- getShelf() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
returns the shelf
- getShelfAnalysesForRoom(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysisDAO
retrieves a list of ShelfAnalysis
objects for a given room from the database
- getShelfmark() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the shelfmark for which the analysis was performed.
- getShelfmark() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the shelfmark where the analysis has been performed
- getShelfmark() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
returns the shelfmark
- getShelfmarkBase() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieve the basic shelfmark without the edition information
- getShelfmarkBase() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Expression
returns the basic shelfmark for this work
- getShelfmarkBase() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Manifestation
Gets the shelfmark base.
- getSingleCollectionUsagePerSubject(String, int, EntityManager, String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubjectDAO
retrieves a specific CollectionUsagePerSubject
from the database
- getSingleCounter(String, int, int, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CounterDAO
retrieves a single Counter
object from the database
- getSingleEventAnalysis(String, String, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysisDAO
retrieves a specific EventAnalysis
from the database
- getSingleShelfAnalysis(String, String, String, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysisDAO
retrieves a specific ShelfAnalysis
from the database
- getSlope() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the slope of the relative loan throughout the analysis
- getSNIP() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the SNIP of the journal
- getStock() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items at this day.
- getStockcontrol() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the description of the StockControlProperties
for the analysis
- getStockControl() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stockcontrol.StockControlProperties
returns the stock control key
- getStockDeleted() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of deleted items.
- getStockEvents(Item) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.StockEventsBuilder
retrieves the stock events for an item.
- getStockEvents(List<Item>) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.StockEventsBuilder
retrieves the stock events for a list of item.
- getStockLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items in the textbook collection.
- getStockLendable() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of circulation items.
- getStockLendableNonLBS() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of circulation items being not part of the textbook
collection at this day.
- getStockNonLendable() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of non-circulation items.
- getStudentLoans() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items which are loaned by students at this day.
- getStudentRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.DayInTimeline
retrieves the value of items requested by students at this day.
- getSubject() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
returns the subject
- getSubject() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the subject categories of the journal
- getSubject() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the subject list of the journal
- getSubjectID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.admin.NotationsPerSubject
returns the subject ID
- getSubjectID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the subject ID
- getSubjectList() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns a list of subjects for this journal title
- getSubjects() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the subject categories of the journal as list
- getSubLibrary() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
returns the sub library
- getSublibrary() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Item
returns the sub-library this item is located in
- getSushi() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.sushi.SushiConnector
retrieves the statistics as SOAP message.
- getSushiCustomerReferenceID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the reference ID of the customer
- getSushiCustomerReferenceName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the reference name of the customer
- getSushiRelease() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the release of the SUSHI API
- getSushiRequestorEmail() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the email address of the requestor
- getSushiRequestorID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the requestor ID used for querying the usage data
- getSushiRequestorName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the name of the requestor
- getSushiURL() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Publisher
returns the URL of the SUSHI API
- getSystemCode() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the notation where the analysis has been performed
- getSystemCode() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
returns the time of change
- getThresholdQuotient() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the the threshold for the quotient (number of requested items / number of lendable items)
- getThresholdQuotientAlert() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.alert.AlertControl
returns the the threshold for the quotient (number of requested items / number of lendable items) for the alerting service
- getTime() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the timestamp (in milliseconds) of the event.
- getTime() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.series.TimeAndCount
returns the time.
- getTime() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.StockEvolution
returns the time of change
- getTimeline() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.TimelineGeneratorServlet
returns the timeline as list of DayInTimeline
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the timestamp when the analysis was performed.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.EventAnalysis
retrieves the timestamp when the analysis has been performed
- getTimestamp() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
retrieves the timestamp when the ignorance was set
- getTitle() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the title of the publication
- getTotalRequests() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the total number of successful requests independent of the type
- getType() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
retunrs the type
- getType() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the type of the COUNTER report (e.g.
- getType() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the type to the journal (print or online)
- getType() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the type of the event (loan, return, request, hold, inventory,
deletion or CALD)
- getType() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the type of the publication
- getUsagePerSubject() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
returns the usage per subject
- getUser(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserDAO
retrieves the User
by its email.
- getUserRolesByEmail(String) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.userauth.UserRoleDAO
retrieves the list of UserRole
-objects by its email.
- getWho() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.blacklist.Ignored
returns the author of the ignored document(s)
- getXSLFileName() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.maps.RegalFinder
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.DocumentAnalysis
retrieves the year this analysis was performed for.
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CollectionUsagePerSubject
returns the year
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.Counter
returns the year of the report
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalCollection
returns the year of the collection
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the year of the journal
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Event
returns the year of the event
- getYear() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.monographs.Publication
returns the year the publication was published
- getYearlyTotalRequests(String, int, EntityManager) - Static method in class unidue.ub.statistics.eUsage.CounterDAO
returns the sum of all types of request within a given year
- getYearRange() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.analysis.ShelfAnalysis
returns the year range
- getZdbID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.Journal
returns the ZDB ID
- getZDBID() - Method in class unidue.ub.statistics.media.journal.JournalTitle
returns the EZB ID of the journal
- GHBPersistence - Class in unidue.ub.statistics.stock
Persisting the xml files for the Gesamthochschulsystematik.
- GHBPersistence() - Constructor for class unidue.ub.statistics.stock.GHBPersistence